addina a.k.a the mole babe..
hah...ak kenal dye nieh time ak standard 4 or standard 5...alamak ai...lupe sudeyh..haha..well i know her in a really interesting situation..(mak oi pecah perut ak igt)..haha...ok NIK...SILENCE!..hihi...Time tuh ak lper bwk something which is really important..and time tuh ak ngan addina klas laen2..haha...pas tuh mybbkan ak nie x rmai kwn dlu..and ak sgt desperate time tuh...ak mmbuat announcement cm nie hah
(muke seposen) kelas ke kelas..haha...and then smpai larh klas addina nieh..and like usual ak bwat the same announcement..and x sngke addina nk ikut..oh and btw(rumah ak sblah skul jer)hihi...and otw to my house..kt c2 larh kiteorg bwat ice breaking..haha..and turns out dye suka kucing sme ngan ak...hihi...and we share the same hobbies too.. :D and dye slalu bg smgat kt ak time ak sedeyh..hihi..thx ma freenn...hehe
oh..ak ngan addina still best friend until now wlaupun kteorg klas laen2..
favourite sentences:OI AFRO! =.=
oh..ak ngan addina still best friend until now wlaupun kteorg klas laen2..
favourite sentences:OI AFRO! =.=
amira a.k.a the cruel one..haha
hah..this is one of my besties..kteorg kenal time kiteorg form 2..well actually sblum tuh mmg da x rpt lh like now..mulut dye nieh mmg straight forward time dye bengang if someone tuh annoying..haha..but thts the reason i like friend with her..and dye nie pon friendly jgk..haha..and one more thing..dye nieh suke bwat stupid jokes with muke innocent..which is mmg funny..she has 5 sibling including her..sume ak rpt..haha..well turns out her dad was my aunt boss when she's working at t'gganu..x sngke an?haha..well da jodoh..cewaahhh...dye slalu protect ak klu ader org nk kaco ak..
HAH...yg due ekor nieh(wah ganas ayt ak alah mcm x biase)
yg sblh kiri yg mcm juon tuh fazira and yg sblh kanan tuh anees..
dyeorg due org nie mmg best frens sblum ak knl dyeorg lagi..well fazira nieh ak mmg da knl sjk darjah 1
Anees nie ak knl like i said just now ak knl dye through ya when i was in form 2..well ak
favourite sentences:booooooo nik booooo...!!
okay fazira pulak...fazira nie..ak kenal time standard 1..ak x brape nk rpt ngan dye sbb tgok muke pon da tawu garang..haha..but skunk nie da x tkot da larh..haha..ak da biase an..dye nie klu ckp mmg KUAT GILER..haha..and time dye gelak...the best advice for y'all is to go jauh2 from hear sbb nnt pekak tlinga korank nnt..haha..dye nyer gelak akan bertukar season to season..haha..bmacam2 jenis gelak dye ade..gelak mengilai,gelak terbang,gelak x der bunyi and etc..sume ader lh..haha..and fazira nie time dye MENGAMOK..ko jgn duk dkt ngan dye..kang x psl ko msuk ICU..HAHA..dye nie kuat study..tuh yg ak suke psl dye..time study..mmg ko jgn kaco dye..klu x dye mengamok..haha..x nk mengamok, jgn kaco..haha..and dye slalu protect ak time or nk buli ak..ok so sng citer..ak nie sng kene buli..ok..habesshhh..haha..
favourite sentences:syg double2!!
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