when will my prince show up?
next day?
next week?
next month?
next year?
or never show up?
mmg ssah lah klu nk jmpe "prince" ak kat zaman skunk nieh...haha kan?
ciri-ciri (berangan)
1.respect his parents
2.taller than me
3.have many common things wit me
4.kulit hitam-hitam manis....well slalunyer kan gurls suke guy yg putih2 an...well i'm different..
5.he's cute,smart dri pandangan mata ak...
6.akhlak dye baik
7.not a SMOKER
8.a patient guy
see told u mmg sshlah nk jmpe guys yang ciri2 mcm nieh.....zmn skunk byk da extinct kot..an?
ak nk jmpe this guy like in a fairytale story...mmg x dpt lah an..haha...jst wanna met him in an unexpected way... <3 <3 aww....must be sweet...bagi korunk yg mmbace blog ak..definitely da jmpe ur special one..in different ways an?..msti best an... :D
kadang2 jeles gak tgok some of my frens yg da couple...comel jer...haha
kadang2 klu tgok citer korea...wah...sweet giler dowh....sweeeettttt ~
maybe someday this guy will show up...or maybe not...jodoh di tgn Allah...mudah-mudahan...amin :)
beb buat box chat la, xde lg tu, :)